I went to Madurai with my Dad and my mentor Toastmaster Noella for the International Speech Contest of Gavelution on 1st Feb, 2019. I was selected to be the Contest Master for the finals of this significant event. The best part about this journey was that, this event wasn’t the only thing that captivated me. I love observing things, whenever I go to a new place. So read onwards to learn more about the events of my Madurai Trip, 2019.Day 1
1:In Goa
Days before the event in Goa, I was practicing vigorously to host the event with the scripts that were constantly being changed and sent by the International Speech Contests Organisers in Madurai. The day finally arrived on Feb 1, at 5:00 AM to fly out of Goa.
I was routed to go to Chennai followed by a flight to Madurai. This was my first plane trip after 5 years. Consequently, everything was mesmerizing and distinct to me.
2:The Plane Flight
I helped my dad through the check-ins and finally settled myself for the window seat in the plane. Throughout the flight, I read a book and listened to music. When we boarded our second flight to Madurai, the plane was quite small and looked like a toy plane.

My Dada Selfie Plane view of Goa Beaches The Mini Plane and Me Clouds Blades on the Mini Plane
3: Where is Madurai ?
Madurai is a small town in Tamil Nadu. It is a historical place and a city that’s developing to be a Smart City.

4. At the Hotel
We booked an Ola Cab to the hotel. The Hotel was called the Hotel Heritage Residency, it was a towering building facing the main road. We settled ourselves in the room. We met my mentor at the Dining Hall on the 4th Floor. For Lunch, they settled for a Veg Thali and I had Chicken Chettinad, a popular Madurai delicacy.
The View from my bedroom window!
5. The Tummy Coaster
All I wanted was a long sleep after lunch. I took a nap in the afternoon. The rest of the day was going to be a practice at the venue. But to my surprise, I woke up with a severe tummy ache. In a few breaths, I had diarrhea and was vomiting at the same time. I visited the washroom many times. At one point, I felt better and went downstairs to take an OLA Cab to the rehearsal venue. But to my greatest horror, I started vomiting in the hallway and was quickly escorted by my dad back to the bedroom. I was filled with utter shame and disgust, feeling absolutely sick. I sat in my bed and waited for a sign of me feeling better. My kind mentor brought me some Electrolyte from a nearby pharmacy. Soon, my father decided that it was time to rush to a nearby Hospital which wasn’t a very sanitary place. The moment I reached there I felt like vomiting and went to the toilet. I thanked my mum in my mind for packing an extra underwear! The doctor was very conversational and kind. Once he gave me my medicines and an injection on my posterior, we made our way to the venue, in an Ola Cab.
Outside the Hospital Waiting Seat area My Dad and Me
6. My First Visit At The Venue
When we reached there, I was shocked! I had envisioned a big auditorium with a dark setting and a tall wooden stage, but it was a comfortable medium-sized scene with bright lights. The chairs placed there would accommodate approximately 300 people. The three-step stage was blanketed with a grey carpet. I got used to the atmosphere around me and familiarised my self with the hall.
View of The Hall from the back Standing on the stage!
1. Night #1
When we reached the Hotel , I ate Canji (Boiled Rice). It was the only thing I could eat without affecting my stomach. In the night I took my medicines and hit the bed. I couldn’t help but dream of the next day, I was finally going to host the event.
Can’t wait to share with you readers my adventures on Day two which will be published in a week or so!!
GoodBye Readers, See you next time for the main event!!(Day 2)
Lucius!! What happened on Day Two?
Yeah, we are waiting anxiously
Very nicely written. Cant wait to ready Day 2. And Madurai is not a little town. Its the 2nd largest city in TN after Chennai. Used to be one of my favorite city for good south Indian food. Hope you had your fill on the stronger stomach.
hi lucius this is your friend ashima. Bet u had a lot of fun in t6he trip