Food Bank

All of us want to be out there, helping the society. Well, here is my first step in helping the society by participating in something known as the food bank, where we work towards giving food and other products to orphanages and aged homes.

What is this Food Bank thing and how does it Work?

Twice a year, the NGO Communicare Trust, organised a run in the monsoon and Christmas season. We collect as much food items and utilities as possible and donate them to orphanages. We do cash donations as well as finished goods like flour, toothpastes , etc.

What did I have to do?

 As a volunteer, my role was to stand outside a supermarket, in this case Magsons Supermarket, and hand over a shopping list of items that the orphanages needed.

What did I say?

Sir, We are an NGO called Communicate Trust and we support these orphanages(points to the list on the back). Here is a list of items they need. As you’re shopping, would you be kind enough to buy these products and drop it in the crate here. Thank You!!

How has this helped?

First of all, its helped the society! In the past years, the food bank donated three and half tons of foods and utilities to orphanages across Goa and we continue with the hard work.

How were the responses?

Despite my kind words and request, some people were to0 busy or a little tired to help. Some took the list and bought nothing. But, I got a lot of good response. Some people bought mores stuff off the list than what they bought. There was a lady who bought nothing for herself but for us.


I felt good being a part of the food bank twice this year. Once in June and a few days ago on the 15 of December. It is a great initiative. Bye! Hope you enjoyed this post!

A few links for you to visit

Here are a few links you should visit to know more about this run.

Times of India report on the Food Bank

Navhind Times Report on the Food Bank

Communicare Trust Youtube Video on Food Bank

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