The Right Time | Short Story

The time had finally come. After years of pondering, months of chatting and hours of preparing, in-front of his bedroom mirror, the time had finally come. Jake was alone with Emily in the train back home. Oh, how he was waiting for this moment. To verbalise his love for Emily.

They were both quite tired, it had been a long day at college. Their A-levels were closing in and for the last few weeks, Jake and Emily crammed themselves with studies. However, this wasn’t all there was on Jakes mind. From just puppy-love in Grade 4, Jake’s feelings for Emily had grown over the years. And at last, today was the right time, the perfect chance, he was waiting for. It was a tiring evening, the bustling tube just unloaded a horde of passengers; leaving Jake and Emily, sitting together on the cold metal seats. Their conversation continued involuntarily, while Jake’s thoughts fluttered through the realm of love, spasmodically driving the conversation toward his emotions. Jake couldn’t help but think about Emily. He ran his mind over the memories with Emily, the graduation dance, prom, group-studies and his first encounter in Grade 4. Slowly, his mind digressed into the future; A future of dinner dates, Netflix parties and love.

All this day-dreaming was eroded when suddenly the tubes bump sent Emily sliding near Jake. Her arm now on his. NOW! NOW IS THE CHANCE! Emily looked up at Jake, laughed and smiled. Once again, he was lost, lost in her light brown eyes; so delicate yet an unexplored jungle for his thoughts. His heart fluttered. After months of fantasising, the situation engulfed Jake. He couldn’t bring himself to confess. Where was his courage when he needed it. He opened his mouth, mumbling his way out. He was hesitating. Faltering at this cardinal moment. The fears started pouring in. Jake began to imagine the idea of mockery and betrayal. Rejection saturated his thoughts.

Suddenly, the speakers boomed with words of conclusion. They had reached their destination and the right time was almost over. Jake opened his mouth but was struck by anxiety once again. Jake looked at Emily and she looked back at his face. Jake got the butterflies again. The price for her flawless face to get close this him, her perfect lips to touch his and her tender cheeks to rest on his shoulder.

Emily got off the tube along with Jake. She said “Good Night” and they parted their ways. Emily walked off into the darkness leaving Jake in a regretful, pensive and worried state. His mind was in true darkness, as he had just lost “The Right Time”


  1. Natalie

    Really great work Lucius 👍🏼 very heartfelt

  2. Violet

    Beautiful story ❤

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